
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and read my postings.  I look forward to reading your comments on my blog and I humbly thank all of you that read and follow this blog and also read my books. Please feel free to email me at rmactsc1@yahoo.com if there is anything you’d like to ask me privately. 

You can see 5 of my post apocalyptic fiction books, 2 of my zombie fiction books and 1 of my horror fiction books on the left side of my blog page.  Go ahead; take a chance and purchase one or more over at Amazon.com.  They are really quite interesting if I do say so myself. 

From those deep, dark and stormy places, comes many of the things you’ve always wanted to know about survival and preparedness but may have been reluctant to ask.  My philosophy is a basic one; you have a right and a responsibility to defend and protect yourself and your family when danger presents itself.  My hope is the articles I have written will get you thinking about survival and preparedness and the skills and tactics which are needed.

Surviving starts with having survival skills, workable tactics, having a survival plan, understanding weapons for defensive purposes and knowing some basic things about human nature.  This blog will deal with many important things related to survival and preparedness and will also showcase from time to time books I have written.  

The world can be both an enjoyable and a dangerous place and while it is great to enjoy those times which are tranquil and pleasant; it is equally important to prepare for those times which are dangerous.  Nobody wants to see the world come crashing down but with escalating unemployment and a steady erosion of Constitutional rights, it is important to be prepared to survive any type of disaster and or societal collapse.


This site is for entertainment purposes only.