Archive for August, 2013

So The SHTF and the ultimate survival scenario is thrust upon you.  When all is said and done you need to make sure that whatever rifle you consider your primary survival rifle is up to the task.  So ask yourself the following questions to see if your survival rifle is the best choice for your all around needs.

  • Is the rifle accurate enough?
  • Is ammo plentiful and do you have a good method to carry all that additional ammo?
  • Are spare parts available?
  • Do you have enough reliable mags and a good method to carry the mags?
  • Is the rifle durable enough?
  • Do any of the modifications you’ve made make it too fragile for heavy duty use?
  • Is the rifle easily transportable?
  • Can you use a carry strap or sling with the rifle?  They can get heavy when carrying for extended periods of time without one.
  • Is the rifle usable at night and in extreme weather conditions?

Remember having mutiple rifles and being proficient with them is fantastic; but you are basically only going to use and or carry one at a time so make your decisions wisely.

The following is a list of fiction books I have written.  You can get a free preview of my first zombie fiction book or my first five post apocalyptic fiction survival books by clicking on the book cover images to the left of this blog post, on my blog page, which will take you to the website. Then you can click on the look inside option which will give you a free preview.  If my zombie or survival fiction books interest you; then go ahead and make a purchase.  Book titles include Biohazard Redacted Book 1 of the Zombie Apocalypse, American Rebellion Book 1 of the Revolution, American Rebellion Book 2 of the Revolution, American Rebellion Book 3 of the Revolution, American Rebellion Book 4 of the Revolution and American Rebellion Book 5 of the Revolution.   


We interrupt this regularly scheduled survival and preparedness blog to get ready for the start of the National Football League regular season which will be here soon.  Survival and preparedness posts will start again tomorrow but the excitement is in the air as pro football returns to the big screen.  All I can say is go Indianapolis Colts.  They are superbowl bound this year 🙂   Season begins September 5, 2013.  Yeeee haaaaa.


If you think another Hurricane Katrina or Superstorm Sandy or terrorist activity or a whole host of other disaster scenarios can’t happen again then you are sadly mistaken.  All one has to do is look at history to see that disaster scenarios are re-curring events.  With that said you must be ready when disaster strikes.  It’s nice to think that some government bureaucrat is going to be there to rescue you immediately; but sadly recent history has shown that is often not the case.  You must be prepared to survive whatever disasters confront you and that means having the will and the skill to survive and stay alive.  The following are what I consider the most important considerations to be aware of.

  • Bug Out Bag – Have one ready to go at a moment’s notice and make sure it is packed with all of the essential survival components for a minimum of at least three days.  Know where everything in your bag is located and how to use each and every piece of gear properly.  Make sure you are able to carry your bug out bag.  If you can’t make it to the end of your driveway  because it’s too heavy; then how are you going to carry it for miles if it is necessary to do so.
  • Self Defense – Expect, thugs and criminals to go on a looting, raping, killing, assault and arson rampage.  You must have the will and the skill to defend yourself and your family.  This means you need to be well trained in the use of a variety of handguns, rifles and shotguns and be proficient at clearing any weapons malfunctions that may occur.  You need to get back into the fight if your life or your families lives are on the line.  You must develop hand to hand combat skills and also know how to properly fight with knives and other bladed or blunted weapons as well.
  • Prepping – You should prep when times are good so you are prepared when times are bad.  Prepping is like insurance; you may never need to use it, but if you have it and disaster strikes, then you are way ahead of most of the population.  Prepping is a great hobby but should never be done from fear; but instead from the premise that bad things can happen and one should be as self reliant as possible if and when disaster strikes.

Do not go looking for trouble but if trouble finds you; then you need to handle the situation accordingly.  There are no redo’s when it comes to life and death so you must be prepared mentally, physically and emotionally to do what is necessary to ensure the survival of yourself and those you love.  For those of you who are experienced preppers all of this is nothing new.  For those of you who need help getting started with prepping; feel free to reach out to me at or through the comments section of this blog.  

Gun control – No, no, no, no and no.  I hope that makes my position clear.  Here are just some of the reasons why.

  • The 2nd amendment guarantees me the right to keep and bear arms, which I do, as my life and my families lives are important to me and when all is said and done; it is my responsibility to keep them safe.
  • Average time for police to arrive for an intruder 911 call is between 11-18 minutes nationally and a criminal can do a lot of harm to a citizen in that 11-18 minutes before the police arrive.  If you were being attacked could you wait 11-18 minutes for help!!!!!!What if you couldn’t dial 911?  Weapons in properly trained hands are the great equalizer.
  • There are already over 22,000 local, state and federal gun laws on the books which do nothing to stop crime; why, because criminals don’t obey the law.  All gun control does is disarm law abiding citizens.
  • The more law abiding people who legally carry concealed with proper training, the safer we are as a society.  Ever notice why no one goes on a shooting rampage at a gun range, because everyone is armed and any assailant who tried it would be stopped instantly.
  • Amazing how those who want gun control have usually never handled a gun or they desperately want a gun for themselves; but want to prohibit anyone else who is a law abiding citizen from having one. 
  • Think about being unarmed during mass riots or societal breakdown!!!! As they say better to have a gun and not need it then to need one and not have it.
  • I

When it comes to any type of TEOTWAWKI (The end of the world as we know it) survival situations, there are some common sense survival things that everyone should know.

  • Survival requires proper planning and good gear.
  • Food, water, guns, ammo and other necessary survival gear should be already stocked before a survival situation occurs.
  • Avoid dehydration and starvation at all costs.
  • Have a secure, well stocked, defendable location available.
  • Firearms and knives for defensive purposes are essential.
  • Avoid strange, dangerous areas and strange, dangerous people.
  • Crowds can quickly turn violent and can get you killed.
  • Light and noise discipline when appropriate is essential.
  • People will fight over scant resources.
  • Thugs will try and take what you have.
  • Martial law is always bad.
  • People who thought you were nuts for prepping when times were good will start showing up on  your doorstep when times are bad. 
  • Never show weakness.
  • You must rely on yourself.
  • A welfare mentality will get you killed.
  • Trust your sixth sense.  If something seems wrong then it is wrong.
  • Bad guys with guns should be avoided.  If you cannot avoid them then you need to be better armed then they are.

The following is a list of fiction books I have written.  You can get a free preview of my first zombie fiction book or my first five post apocalyptic fiction survival books by clicking on the book cover images to the left of this blog post, on my blog page, which will take you to the website. Then you can click on the look inside option which will give you a free preview.  If my zombie or survival fiction books interest you; then go ahead and make a purchase.  Book titles include Biohazard Redacted Book 1 of the Zombie Apocalypse, American Rebellion Book 1 of the Revolution, American Rebellion Book 2 of the Revolution, American Rebellion Book 3 of the Revolution, American Rebellion Book 4 of the Revolution and American Rebellion Book 5 of the Revolution.   

Just a quick reminder to check out your survival gear before a disaster strikes, not afterwards.  Make sure your Bug Out Bag is well built, properly packed and will withstand harsh environments.  Make sure your rifles are properly zeroed for defensive purposes and you are equally proficient with your shotguns and handguns.  Remember an improperly zeroed weapon will basically mean your point of aim will not equal your point of impact.  Go to any range and watch people consistently miss their targets due to improper zeroing; and you will see exactly what I mean.

Make sure you have a sufficient quantity of food, water, ammo, first aid gear, fuel, clothes, etc.  Make sure your survival location is secure, and that your primary and secondary vehicles are fully fueled and in good working order.  Can you build an emergency shelter or start an emergency fire to keep warm?  Check now and make sure that you can, don’t wait for an impending disaster. 

Know your abilities; learn all the survival related things that you can.  Know your strengths and weaknesses and make sure you have a good survival plan and a good alternate survival plan.  You must be adaptable to ever changing situations.  Now get out there and test that field gear.

Toughen up people.  We are becoming a society where ever little comment offends someone.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion even if their opinion is downright insane.  Therefore those people of weak character need to stop letting every little comment that someone says offend them.  If I watch one more news show where someone is offended over something then it’s time to stop watching.  Have some guts, some courage and stop being so easily offended.  America was a nation of hard working, tough minded people and we need to become that great nation once again.  So toughen up. Start today.


Priceless advice.


Why carry a gun?  Aren’t the reasons obvious!  If not allow me to enlighten you.

  • A gun is the best single tool for protecting your life and the lives of your loved ones if a violent attack is imminent.
  • Violent offenders stay away from homes where people are likely to be armed.
  • There are bad people in the world who cannot be talked out of trying to harm you.  But they will turn and run when confronted with a firearm wielded by a person with the will and the skill to defend themselves.
  • Thugs see you not as a human being but as an obstacle to getting what they want.  They will think nothing of harming you; and will harm you unless you have the means (firearms) to prevent this from ocurring.
  • Trouble does not make an appointment.  You must be prepared.
  • Proficiency with a firearm can save your life and the lives of those  you love.
  • We are each individually responsible for our own safety and well being.

You must know your enemy.  The criminal is not your friend or your next door neighbor.  He does not hold the same moral values that you do and has no qualms about assaulting, raping, robbing or murdering you to achieve his objectives.  He understands violence because it is one of his predatory skills and survival tools.  No normal societal interactions will stop this individual.  Do not be a victim.  Become skilled and proficient with your weapons of choice as it one day may save your life.

Surviving in the real world comes down to one thing; having the ability to overcome.  You must develop a mindset of controlling your fears so they do not inhibit your actions.  Your mindset must allow you to not only perform to the best of your abilities but to also take responsibility for your actions.

You must know your enemy.  A thug is not your friend, your buddy or your next door neighbor.  They are a person or persons who have no regrets or sympathy when it comes to robbing, raping, murdering or performing any other anti social devestating action against you.  If they perceive you as weak or vulnerable they will attack.  You must be prepared to stop them immediately and be able to properly defend yourself.

The argument to submit to criminals and give them what they want is a false one.  What if the problem escalates?  What if they aren’t satisfied with what you give them?  You need to be prepared to stop a criminal’s aggression by whatever means necessary in defense of your life.  Remember there are no re-do’s if you are the victim of a violent rape or murder.

Be aware of your surroundings at all times.  Do not look like or act like a victim and do not have a victim’s mentality.  Pay attention to what your senses are telling you and react accordingly.  If you feel you are being observed with criminal intent you probably are.  Visualize how you would react to any given criminal scenario as repeated visualization helps with your defensive preparations.  Know the best strike points to quickly disable an attacker and choose and train accordingly with your self defense weapons.