Most attacks are perpetrated by one or more individuals using diversions.  Learn to respect your intuition and listen to it.  You need to defend your home like a castle.  Make sure your doors and windows are locked and that your garage doors are secure.  Never open your door to strangers as violent criminals often pose as someone they are not in order to gain access to your home.

Keep a fully charged cell phone and a firearm that you are proficient with handy.  Avoid walking in unlit areas and stay away from thick shrubbery near trails and paths.  When rounding blind corners stay at least 10 feet away from buildings and parked cars.  Never walk with headphones or earbuds on as it significantly diminishes your situational awareness.

Vary your times and routes as predators often rely on a potential victims consistent patterns.  Keep your car doors locked.  Always park in well lit areas and make sure you carefully scan any parking area before parking and again before exiting your car.  If you’re driving home and suspect you are being followed, verify by making a series of left and right turns around a given area.  If the vehicle is still behind you do not under any circumstances lead them to your home.

Avoid driving through bad parts of town.  When stopped at a traffic light or other delays, if you cannot see the tires of the vehicle in front of you then you are too close to that vehicle.  Leave enough space between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead of you so you can manuever your car if danger approaches. 

An attacker is capable of anything so do not allow people to encroach into your personal space.  Never allow yourself to be cornered or boxed in.  Never allow yourself to be restrained or forcibly moved from one location to another.  Use visualization techniques to mentally practice what you would do in the event of an ambush, carjacking, attempted mugging, home invasion, etc.

Pleading for mercy may actually encourage an attacker to be more vicious.  Don’t second guess yourself.  If something feels wrong, listen to your instincts.

You can take a look at some of my apocalyptic, zombie, or horror fiction books on the left side of my blog page by clicking on the book cover images.  If they interest you then I hope you will consider purchasing a copy.

In any long term survival situation you will find that some people will behave irrationally and may try to take advantage of these chaotic situations.  Expect these people to commit criminal acts; so be prepared to defend yourself and your family.  All of these people will want something from you and many of them will do nothing to prepare; but will still feel they are owed something.  Just because a disaster has ocurred does not mean the attitude of these people will change.

Do not allow strangers to latch onto you.  They can prove to be very dangerous.  Your goal is to prepare to ensure your family’s survival; not the survival of every stranger that passes by.  You must be prepared to defend yourself and your family from those who would try and harm you and steal your food, water, guns, ammo and other survival supplies.  If strangers had the chance to prepare and chose not to, it is not your responsibility to provide for them.

Your survival skills and your supplies will not be able to save everyone but they can help save the people who matter to you the most.  You must learn to trust your instincts and stay alert, avoid becoming predictable, be observant, familiarize yourself with your surroundings, learn to move quietly in all environments and avoid large groups of people.  In any survival situation your attitude is everything.

You can take a look at some of my apocalyptic, zombie, or horror fiction books on the left side of my blog page by clicking on the book cover images.  If they interest you then I hope you will consider purchasing a copy.



Image  —  Posted: August 24, 2014 in Preparedness
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Safety and security are important considerations when going about your day to day activities.  It begins with having a proper mindset and exhibiting confidence in your movements and actions.  You must maintain situational awareness which is knowing and anticipating what is going on around you.  If something feels wrong or dangerous then that is your bodies way of telling you to “watch out, there is danger here.”

Criminals look for people they perceive as being easy victims; so you must appear to be a hard target. Most criminals will avoid anyone they sense will put up a struggle or will fight back and cause them injury.  Here are some real world tips to help you stay safe and secure.

  • Avoid using out of the way ATM’s.
  • Stay away from poorly lit places.
  • Lock up your home properly.
  • Thoroughly scan parking lots before parking and keep your doors locked.
  • If someone is loitering consider them as up to no good and avoid them.
  • Do not take shortcuts between rows of parked cars and never walk next to a van.
  • Tunnels, alleys, bridges, and paths by rivers are all potential choke points which means only one way in and one way out, which makes it perfect for assailants to await ambush opportunities.
  • Don’t walk or jog through parks and wooded paths alone.
  • Stay out of known high crime areas.

You can take a look at some of my apocalyptic, zombie, or horror fiction books on the left side of my blog page by clicking on the book cover images.  If they interest you then I hope you will consider purchasing a copy.



A good quality revolver is an essential piece of survival gear which can be used in survival situations where a semi automatic handgun might not be the best option.  My choice for best survival revolver goes to the Ruger GP 100, chambered in 357/38, in stainless steel, with a 4 inch barrel, fixed sights, and a combination wood and rubber handgrip.



Image  —  Posted: August 8, 2014 in Images
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The 12 Gauge pump action shotgun is an extremely effective home defense weapon.  The following are 10 reasons why.

  1. It is the most powerful home defense weapon available at ranges of 10 yards or less.
  2. An attacker shot with 12 gauge 00 buckshot equals the equivilant mass of 4.5 rounds of 9mm ammo.
  3. Shotguns can be relatively inexpensive, are widely available and are lightly regulated.
  4. The basic sights are simple and easy to use.
  5. It blends simplicity, effectiveness and close range firepower.
  6. It offers one of the best one stop shot potentials when dealing with a hostile attacker.
  7. It is accurate, easy to use and can be safely loaded, operated, stored and maintained.
  8. It is mechanically reliable even in adverse conditions.
  9. It is best suited for short range, short duration conflicts.
  10. Many exterior components can be added or modified for mission specific use without any gunsmithing.

You can take a look at some of my apocalyptic, zombie, or horror fiction books on the left side of my blog page by clicking on the book cover images.  If they interest you then I hope you will consider purchasing a copy.



Image  —  Posted: August 5, 2014 in Images
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So you’ve survived the apocalypse and now you find yourself trying to stay alive in a hostile world filled with thugs, criminals, looters and raiders.  They are everywhere; so to increase your survival chances you must minimize any target indicators that you potentially can give off.

A target indicator is anything that will reveal your location to an enemy.  As you move throughout the post apocalyptic world avoid giving off the following target indicators.

  • Avoid walking on creaky wooden floors or stepping on twigs or branches.
  • Avoid your reflection showing in windows, mirrors and other shiny surfaces.
  • Avoid giving off shadows.
  • Avoid having your gun muzzle protrude from around a corner.
  • Avoid the sounds of your clothing scraping against a wall.
  • Avoid leaving a previously closed door open after you have entered a location and vice versa.
  • Avoid leaving the smell of tobacco in a location where that smell was not present before.
  • Avoid colognes and scented soaps as these smells can be easy to track.
  • Avoid leaving footprints especially muddy footprints.
  • Avoid leaving palm prints on foggy windows.
  • Avoid talking when not necessary as sounds can travel a good distance.
  • Avoid wearing gear and other equipment which rattles.
  • Avoid quick and jerky movements.
  • Avoid creating strong cooking odors.

You can take a look at some of my apocalyptic, zombie, or horror fiction books on the left side of my blog page by clicking on the book cover images.  If they interest you then I hope you will consider purchasing a copy



Image  —  Posted: August 1, 2014 in 2nd Amendment
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